This blog, Best Manila Restaurants has been around for quite some time now. August 2007 to be exact. This is a travelogue of different proportions. I, the author has decided once to abandon posting updates to me and my family's escapades to the different places we know all over Metro Manila but this time, I want to make sure that I post every detail of places we go to from restaurants, to the food and hotels out there.
These reviews will forever stay here whether we had fun or not and whether we enjoyed the food or simply got discusted with the service and taste of it upon serving. This is my travel diary and I am Sam Casuncad, a search engine marketing geek, a blogger, a father to my one and only daughter TJ, a husband to my wife, Ana Casuncad, a son who just wants to give the best to his parents, Justin and Josie and best of all, a travelling geek with a soul out to search the never ending path to happiness.
If you own a resort, a hotel, a travel place, a restaurant or even if you are just somebody looking to get exposed, please visit my contact page or throw me an email ( casuncadsteratgmaildotcom ). I promise to get back to you as soon as I could.